“Is there a Quick Answer?”
“Is there a Quick Answer?”
0 Comm.“So, you still haven’t answered my question: did it start with the Girl or Those Shoes?”
During the publishing phase, I was fortunate to have a great conversation with Frank Billingsley, the Texas beloved weatherman and author of Swabbed & Found. One of the things he reminded me was, “You Realtors want everything ‘quick.’ ‘Quick buy.’ ‘Quick sell.’ ‘Quick close…’ Quick, quick…” I laughed. True. But, compared to retail sales, real estate is still a “slow braise.’ Every transaction is a process. The quickest close may still take a week and half. Too long, right?! We live in a world of “quick” mentality: “lose 20 pounds in 10 days!” “Erase wrinkles in 3 days!” Oh, here is my favorite, “Flip a house and bank $50,000 without even owning the house, overnight!” Guess what?! I actually sat in that class myself and tried to comprehend how it would work. And I almost threw $5000 to join that “club.” What a scam! Yet, these slogans draw crowds. Until one day we could humbly accept the term of life, a journey to greatness, we would free ourselves from the mentality of “quick and quicker.” As in the book, at Hanna’s Boutique lounge, Gigi was feeling the softness of the red velvet couch while indulging herself the Silhouette’s signature Martini, Poppy Blush. Time slowed down. Moments were to be savored. She didn’t want it to be over. She wanted it to last longer. We’ll learn that it’s the “process” that produces magic, that to dedicate ourselves to it would make our hearts sing with joy.